My New Year Resolutions!

on Saturday, January 1, 2011
OMG! It was insane. The last 48hours of my life made me feel like a rockstar in my own music video. It is ridiculous how awesome this blog is going to be. Except I'm running on no sleep and would love to get some. So I will write the story up tomorrow.

For now...

This past year a LOT has happened. Most of my blog consisted in 2010 so in that sense, yay, I dont have to repeat myself. As a quick summary for the people that haven't been along for the entire (fantabulus?!) ride! I went to my first PRIDE in 2010. I got to go to Israel this summer. Still no boyfriend. Got laid 6 times. Went to LA with friends and realized who my real friends really are. I turned 18! I graduated high school!! I visited my friends in college. I got to go to NEW YORK!! I got hired at Apple. MUCH MORE... (read the posts lol)

So what do I want out of this year?!

1) I want to move up in the company I work for. I'm not saying become a manager in a year. Just a move.
2) I want to move out of my parents house and live on my own.
3) I want to build my credit.
4) I want to film at least one short film.
5) Meet new people and make new friendships.
6) Grow as a person, friend, and family member.
7) Learn something new. Whether that is a skill, instrument, or language, I want to learn something new.
8) I want to loose 20 pounds and start exercising on a regular schedule.
9) I want to get all A's in my classes at school.
10) I want to have fun.

I could think of many more but those are the one's that are important or stand out to me at this time. So what are your resolutions?!? What do you think of mine. Oh and are you excited for my real life new years eve experience to be told tomorrow?!? haha


Anonymous said...

I like your list of stuff to accomplish. And, why not be a manager within a year at the Apple store? - lots of major companies promote very quickly when they see a cool dude who has it together and wants to succeed. That would definitely work along with #'s 2,3,6,7 and 8. The rest will follow as you make them happen. Good luck with doing it....can't wait to hear more tomorrow!

wayner said...

Nice resolutions! Some advice; put 10% of your pay into long-term savings for a financial base, and make sure you only use credit for worthwhile purchases (eg furniture, tv, etc), and remember that 20% of your budget is miscellaneous stuff. To lose weight avoid over-consumption of junk food, also avoid too much refined white flour, fat, and sugar in the food you eat. A regular jogging routine will boost metabolism and burn up calories (and it's fun!). It's all about lifestyle change. bfn - Wayne :)

HoneyAndDarling said...

Inspires me to post what I should have as my objectives in life

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