I made an entire presentation on what we can do while we are there. I showed it to the family this morning and then we sat and decided on what was a yes and what is a no. We ended up choosing to see Billy Elliot (not my fist choice but still a good show) and then I really wanted to see American Idiot as well so my dad and brother are going with me to see it a different day. We got good seats at the discount price which is awesome. =p We also got tickets to the NBC studio tour. I'll tell you more about that when it all happens lol
My parents went to the beach and now im siting home talking to you guys lol. I havn't done much since we talked.
well... i just got back from dinner. we went to this asian restaurant and then went to max brenner. OMG. It is the most amazing place ever.
They have chocolate everything. I Had myself a Java white chocolate cocktail. It had gummy bears on the little stick. It was so good. (pic on left) I also had this amazing chocolate thing. I dont even know how to describe the amazingness of what it was. I know they have on in NY on broadway st and they are also opening one in vegas on Aug. 5th. Im pretty sure I saw a chicago one also so go check if your interested. Definitely recommended.
thanks for caring guys =p I was reading up on some blogs and I noticed many times I was linked on their blogs and it made me smile. I really need to update my blog list as soon as I get back home. If you have linked me or want me to link your blog let me know by sending me an email. (its in the about section).
alright. going to head out now. bye! p.s. this guy that i cam with from australia is coming next month. ;) haha im looking forward to that. also maybe going on a date when I get back. things are looking up.