So I want a tattoo. Something that means something to me. Its going to say positivity and I want it on my right hand wrist (palm facing up). Can't visualize it? Oh, thats ok. I photoshoped a picture of what it would look like. Haha I actually uploaded the picture to my facebook and all my friends believed it was real. What can I say? Im pretty good at photoshop. =p Here is the pic:
So my parents wont let me get it. The plan was to get it on my 18th birthday at the end of the month. The only problem is because of all my extra curricular activities and the short film and a bunch of other things that I have been working on I haven't had time to get a job and earn my own money. So there thing is that they dont want me to have one so they are not paying for it. They know I dont have money so that means I wont be able to get it. Parents... So now I need to come up with $80. I have no idea how im going to do just that. =[
I also got a haircut and my brows done today. Looking pretty hot if I say so myself. Going to go shopping tomorrow after school to get the "you picked the wrong boy" outfit for the film competition this weekend where Jake (the asshole that told me he liked me and then a week later had a boyfriend that wasn't me) will be at. Other then seeing him I'm pretty excited! I have shown the film to around 30 people and so far I have gotten great reviews. A lot are saying its too short and that means its good because that means they got into it and it didnt bore them to death. It is only a 5 min film but it took me over 3 months to Write, Produce, Direct, & Edit. So thats all good. =p
Also thanks to everyone that e-mailed me today. It was a great distraction during my boring government class. All we did was watch the state of the union address. I had already seen it so I was pretty bored. =p
UPDATED: I felt the urge to write more. I just read a stupid article on some church website. I closed the page so I dont have the link. It was a question from a mother asking "is my teen son gay" she said she was worried he was because he liked arts more then sports and has no male friends. The person that replied said that people with homosexual tendencies usually have them because there father son relationship sucks and/or because of incest and molestation. WTF? The person then goes on to say that these "tendencies" can change. What bull shit.
If there is a kid out there reading my blog this is for you: You are more then perfect the way you are. If you think there is anything wrong with being gay then please please listen to this: Being gay is not wrong. It's normal and not something that you can choose or change. If you like boys then you like boys. Its not a big deal. Some people wont understand that and tell you its wrong. Well they are wrong. How would they know? Are they gay? No. You are! Do you feel like you are doing something wrong? No? Good. Cause you are not.
I really want to help. If you ever need anyone to talk to about anything. If you are having feelings you don't understand. If you feel like your all alone. If you need a friend. Im here for you. Please understand that. I really do care.